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Transparency is key to our onsite success.

The team at SCH provides a professional and friendly service, working with you from the
start to finish of your project. All elements of our work being carried out in-house is
completed by our own trained employees.


Installation of Primary Steelwork

Providing services to the public, private, industrial and energy sectors.

SCH ensures that our site team are uniformed and trained with the qualifications necessary to work on a CDM construction site, as well as being responsible for following all current Health and Safety legislation.

We have teams to oversee and manage our health and safety on site on which we place high value to ensure the safety of all persons who engage with our areas of work.


We are committed to high levels of health and safety and hire external health and safety verifiers to ensure our practices are in line with our policy which promotes a great culture and attitude within our teams of specialists outside SCH workspace.

The teams are multi skilled & experienced in erecting steelwork and timber structures.

We have a strict code of conduct to ensure that our teams are fully compliant with each site we work on. Our team are on hand to provide method statements and risk assessments to you so that all involved have complete transparency in relation to our practice.

We keep detailed site records which are always made available throughout each project.

Please feel free to contact our friendly team for more information.
We have site managers that are on hand for client communication.


They provide full support to the site and relay information to our SCH hub.

This promotes positive communication throughout the process which results in positive outcomes every time.

The teams are multi skilled and experienced in erecting steelwork and timber structures.

They have experience on all sites and sectors which means they are prepared for every task. Inspections of plant and equipment are carried out each day and logged onto the ISO9001 accredited system ensuring our clients have all the health and safety documentation at hand.

We have vast experience of working on site and can advise on best practice. We can consult on potential problems and eradicate any future problems before they occur.

Project specific Inspection and Test Plans can be produced at the client’s request to offer further peace of mind on the project.

What we expect of our on-site staff and standards of training:

  • Appointed persons and crane supervisors (to manage all of the mobile crane lifts)

  • SMSTS and SSSTS (Site supervisors and managers)

  • IPAF and IPAF PAL +

  • CSCS Tradecards (Relevant to their role on site – managed by our admin team)

  • CPCS Skills Card

  • CITB Health and Safety 

  • Annual asbestos awareness training

  • Qualified inspection of lifting equipment

  • Qualified harness inspection


Contact our team today for more information.


SCH Address:

Beaumont Way, Aycliffe, Business Park, Newton Aycliffe, Co. Durham, DL5 6SN

  • SCH Site Services
  • SCH Site Services
  • SCH Site Services
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© 2024 SCH Site Services.

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SCH Site Services Ltd - Registered in England - Registration No: 5336615

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